Fueled by Feisty | Education
Fueled: A Comprehensive Nutrition Course for Active Women
Learn to embrace food—all food—and harness its power through every stage of life to be your happiest, healthiest, most powerful best.
Join the Founding Cohort by 4/21 to receive course access on 4/24
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By the end of the course, you will:

Understand and recognize cultural influences
When it comes to proper fueling, we can't separate the conversation about what to eat from the historical and cultural influences that uniquely impact women.

Connect eating to psychological well-being
Learn to listen to our body's needs and hunger cues and feel free to eat accordingly while still understanding when and how to override hunger cues for optimal performance.

Recognize the sex differences between men and women related to fueling
Understanding why the dietary recommendations made for men don't always translate to the female body.

Learn to fuel during puberty, pregnancy, and the menopausal transition.
As our bodies undergo major hormonal changes, our fueling and hydration needs (and cues) will change. Learn how a woman can adapt her nutrition throughout her life.

Grasp the consequences of underfueling
Understanding how underfueling impacts the body and how to recognize Low Energy Availability and RED-S.

Create a plan for proper hydration and nutrition before, during, and after training sessions
Understand what your body needs based on your training and goals and feel confident in your fueling plan.